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Plumbing Group Welcomes New Engineer


Christabelle Chukwuma-Ugwa has joined the plumbing group as an engineer. Christabelle graduated from Milwaukee School of Engineering in May with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering. Prior to joining R&D, she interned with Ahern in St. Louis, where she was involved in fire sprinkler system design, as well as with EXP as a mechanical intern. Christabelle is a member of the National Society of Black Engineers, Women in Construction, and Tau Beta Pi (engineering honor society).

Welcome, Christabelle!

Plumbing Group Welcomes New Engineer 2024-08-08T12:27:40-05:00

New Civil Engineer Expands Capabilities For Utility Group


Hannah Buscemi has joined Ring & DuChateau’s utility group as a civil engineer. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Biological Systems Engineering from UW-Madison and brings to the new position more than four years of environmental and civil engineering experience.

Raised in Lake Mills, Hannah is returning to Wisconsin after spending the past few years in upstate New York. Her addition to the department will allow Ring & DuChateau to expand capabilities for utility and infrastructure projects.

Welcome, Hannah!

New Civil Engineer Expands Capabilities For Utility Group 2024-07-29T09:14:08-05:00

Ring & Du Welcomes Summer Interns


Ring & DuChateau has welcomed three interns for the summer. Roland Gutknecht (left) and Nick Heling (center), both mechanical engineering majors at UW-Platteville, came on board with the  HVAC team in May. Michael Anderson (right), who is studying IT Management at UW-Milwaukee, joined the team in late June as an IT intern.

Welcome to all!

Ring & Du Welcomes Summer Interns 2024-07-01T15:12:00-05:00

R&D Lighting Design Project Wins IES Award


The St. Joan of Arc Chapel renovation project has been recognized with an Illuminating Engineering Society Illumination Award of Merit for Interior Lighting Design completed by the Ring & DuChateau lighting team. The team partnered with The Kubala Washatko Architects (TKWA) to realize the unique and historically significant project.

The chapel was originally constructed in France around 1420. When it fell into disrepair 400 years later its ruins were moved and reconstructed on an estate in New York, then removed and reconstructed on the Marquette University campus in 1965.

The chapel renovation project was recognized previously with a Faith and Form Award presented by the Partners for Sacred Places organization.

Our lighting team is proud to have contributed its time and talent to the project and the Marquette University campus experience!

R&D Lighting Design Project Wins IES Award 2024-06-10T10:26:03-05:00

Staff Hit Hallway Links For 2nd Mini Golf Outing


Staff hit the hallway links May 9 for Ring & Du’s 2nd Mini Golf Outing. The event, the first since 2017, included staff-designed, themed holes, multiple holes-in-one (18!) and awards after. Winner of the Best Hole Design was “The Graveyard” at hole 8, designed as a dead device, par 4 fairway by Ring & Du Network System Specialist Connor Dunn. The hole featured broken CPUs and laptops with notes on their demise, including “…I spilled and entire cup of coffee on my keyboard…” and “I kind of closed my laptop on my earbuds and cracked the screen.” Other hole themes included bowling, corn hole, luck, nerds, angry birds, tulips, the jungle and the desert. All event winners included:

Best hole design: The Graveyard – Connor Dunn

Lowest Individual Score: Gordy Pierret, Justin Cosgrove and Heather Erdman

Most Honest Score: Mike Jushka, Jeremy Wolfe

Best Dressed: Dave Feldbruegge, Emily Durbin

Lowest Team Score: Sam Blomberg, Justin Cosgrove, Ryan Muller, Ryan McNally/Muyi Adonri

Thanks to all of our hole designers and congratulations to our winners!

Staff Hit Hallway Links For 2nd Mini Golf Outing 2024-05-21T16:20:55-05:00

Ring & DuChateau Recognized As Top Work Place For 9th Time


Ring & DuChateau has again been named a Top Workplace for 2024 in the small company category! We’ve received the honor each year we’ve participated since 2014 for a total of nine years recognized.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Top Workplace list is compiled based entirely on the results of employee survey feedback. Employers are measured on qualities such as company leadership, career opportunities, workplace flexibility, compensation, benefits, and the impact company policies have on innovation and morale. Employers only receive the Top Workplace recognition when their employee benchmark exceeds national benchmarks. This year survey responses were from more than 61,000 Milwaukee area employees including all categories.

We appreciate our employees and value their participation!

Ring & Du staff members Linda Russell, Brenda Barker, Krista Raver and Ryan McNally (left to right) accepted Ring & DuChateau's 9th Top Work Place Award at an event held April 26.
Ring & DuChateau Recognized As Top Work Place For 9th Time 2024-05-02T12:28:34-05:00

Electrical Group Welcomes New BIM Tech


Kelly Kozak has joined Ring & DuChateau’s Electrical team as a BIM technician. She holds an Associate of Architectural Technology degree from Milwaukee Area Technical College and has three years of industry experience. Kelly is excited to expand her knowledge and take advantage of the new opportunities the position presents.

Welcome, Kelly!

Electrical Group Welcomes New BIM Tech 2024-05-01T15:57:54-05:00

Durbin Is New Face At Front Desk


Emily Durbin has joined Ring & DuChateau as an administrative assistant, taking responsibility for front desk duties and staff support. Prior to joining R&D, Emily was a production supervisor at a local manufacturing services firm. Additionally, she has managed her own business, small businesses and departments of large businesses.

Welcome, Emily!

Durbin Is New Face At Front Desk 2024-04-25T10:43:03-05:00

HVAC Group Grows with New Designer


Dave Meinzer has joined Ring & Du’s HVAC group as a senior project engineer He . . H  Dave holds a Designer of Engineering Systems license and brings to the position more than 24 years of industry experience which mainly includes design for research and development facilities as well as healthcare. Dave will provide support to the Madison office team.

Welcome, Dave!

HVAC Group Grows with New Designer 2024-04-12T13:12:34-05:00

Technology Group Adds New Designer


Austin Cable has joined Ring & DuChateau’s Technology Design group as a senior technology designer. Austin holds a bachelor’s degree from Milwaukee School of Engineering and is a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) and Certified Technology Specialist Designer (CTS-D). He brings to the position more than 12 years of experience across markets including healthcare, higher education, hospitality and government work.

Welcome, Austin!

Technology Group Adds New Designer 2024-04-05T14:58:25-05:00